Hinweis: Die aktuelle German Testing Day Konferenz finden Sie hier!

  • Blerina Nasto

    Blerina Nasto

    Raiffeisen Bank Albania

    Web Technology Solutions Lead

    I have been working in IT for 15 years and I am a passionate software developer and solution architect. I work as a Web Technology Solutions Lead in the IT department at Raiffeisen Bank Albania in Tirana. In the last 2 years, I am also in the role of IT Delivery Lead for retail lending products. In this role I am promoting continuous testing philosophy inside product value teams as the most critical part to achieve speed and quality for the deliverables. I'm focused more and more to create a good developer experience in test automation and putting the word fun into doing it. In addition, I am an associate professor, who enjoys a lot learning to students the magic of web software development.

    Vortragsübersicht Konferenzprogramm
