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Die im Konferenzprogramm des GTD 2022 angegebenen Uhrzeiten entsprechen der Central European Time (CET).

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Der Track+ besteht aus Präsentationen der Sponsoren und unterliegt somit nicht der Qualitätssicherung des Conference Boards.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass es für vereinzelte Workshops ggf. eine Teilnehmendenbeschränkung gibt. Weitere Infos hierzu finden Sie in den Workshop-Beschreibungen. 

Konferenzprogramm 2022

Track: Keynote

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  • Dienstag
  • Mittwoch
, (Dienstag, 03.Mai 2022)
15:00 - 16:00
KEYNOTE: Testing in modern times: a story about quality and value
KEYNOTE: Testing in modern times: a story about quality and value

Secret number one: this keynote is less about testing as you would expect...

Software Development is a complex thing. We are dealing with customers who do not exactly know what they want. We also have to deal with complexity, confusion, changes, new insights and half answers. This requires research and experiments to create valuable software. Since my first days in IT, over 20 years ago, I have heard discussions about whether or not we need testers. Testing is boring! It is not creative and it doesn't add real value. Testing is always slow and expensive; testers are cynical people who deliver bad news and most of all they do their utmost to slow delivery. Also, there are stories on how test automation can replace the expensive testers in our projects. To CTO’s it sounds comforting that all these expensive resources can be replaced by automation, doesn’t it?

In agile and especially DevOps approaches the motto is: automated everything! Companies like Facebook claim they do not have testers at all. Microsoft only has SDET (software development engineers in Test), other companies are T-shaping developers to do the testing. New kid on the block is AI and machine learning, that will definitely replace testing I hear people claim. What is really happening globally? Do we no longer need testers? Can we actually automate everything? How can we make valuable software for our clients?

In this interactive keynote we will look at quality software, risks and value. We'll dive into biases and misunderstanding surrounding testing. Testing makes developers look good! And developers make testing easier. And that is why developers (read: everybody in IT) should understand what modern testing can look like and how it can be very valuable, fast and fun. Our clients expect us to speed up and go faster. So how can we fine tune our work to make this expectation real? How can we deliver quality software fast? As a team we can do this, but only if we collaborate...

In this keynote I will share my experience in collaborating with developers as a tester and working with development teams as an agile and quality coach. We'll explore and discuss testing. In my stories I will give examples of great collaboration in teams. I will explain the difference in mind sets and shine a light on topics such as: quality culture, unit testing, pairing, automation, test strategy and testability. Stories that inspired others to up their game and experiment with new ways of working. Working together to create valuable software for our clients!

In this presentation I will address questions like:

  • How can we create quality software fast?
  • Do we need testing? And if so: why is testing important?
  • What is the business case of testing?
  • Can developers also test? And if so: do we still need testers?

Key takeways:

  1. How can we create quality software fast?
  2. How can your team manage risks and value?
  3. Learn if we need testing? And if so: why is testing important?
  4. Learn about great collaboration in teams, new ways of working to create valuable software for our clients!

Hi, I’m Huib Schoots, nice to meet you. My personal mission is shaping better people and software quality by connecting, innovating, facilitating, coaching, enabling and teaching. I’m fascinated by mindset, thinking, behaviour and collaboration. I’m active in many communities.

Some keywords about me: humanist, open, direct, creative, idea generator, result driven, humor, problem solver, curious, confronting, critical thinker, passionate and energetic, lifelong learner, entrepreneurial, analytic and continuous (world) improver. I like hanging out with friends, play trombone in a brass band, board & computer game, LEGO, photography, running, beer brewing, magic tricks, travelling and reading.

I work as a managing consultant & quality coach at qualityaccelerators.nl and as an agile test expert, trainer and senior consultant at deagiletesters.nl

Huib Schoots
Huib Schoots
Track: Keynote
Vortrag: KeyDi

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, (Mittwoch, 04.Mai 2022)
15:00 - 16:00
KEYNOTE: Deep Democracy – Widerstände im Team verstehen – Alle mitnehmen
KEYNOTE: Deep Democracy – Widerstände im Team verstehen – Alle mitnehmen

Lewis Deep Democracy wurde von Myrna und Greg Lewis in Südafrika in der Nach-Apartheid-Zeit entwickelt. Die Methode dient im Kern dazu, alle Stimmen hörbar zu machen, die Minderheiten ernst zu nehmen, und ihre „Weisheit“ zu integrieren. Wenn Menschen nicht gehört werden, weil sie beispielsweise in der Minderheit sind, entstehen Spannungen. Wir erleben diese Spannungen häufig als Widerstand. In diesem Vortrag lernen wir, die Widerstände zu deuten, das darin liegende Wissen zu nutzen, und wie wir damit die Beziehungs- und Gruppendynamik in einen positiven Fluss bringen.

Christiane Leiste arbeitet an der Hochschule Osnabrück als Programmleiterin und lehrt dort sowie an der Heliopolis University Kairo das von ihr entwickelte Modul „Mindful Leadership“, in dem Elemente von Positiver Psychologie, Achtsamkeit, Meditation und Deep Democracy verbunden sind.
Lehraufträge führten sie in letzter Zeit neben der Hochschule Osnabrück und der Heliopolis University Kairo unter anderem zu Akademic Emilan Stanev in Bulgarien, zur Kreisau Stiftung in Polen und nach Beirut. 
Für Christiane birgt jeder Konflikt Chancen der Veränderung und kann Anlass für Entwicklung sein. Aus dieser Haltung heraus moderiert sie empathisch und lösungsorientiert Konflikte, entwickelt und coacht Führungskräfte. Sie ist die erste Lewis Deep Democracy Trainerin in Deutschland und bislang die einzige Deep Democracy Ausbilderin im deutschsprachigen Raum. 

Christiane Leiste
Christiane Leiste
Track: Keynote
Vortrag: KeyMi

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