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Konferenzprogramm 2021

Thema: Test Automation

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  • Montag
  • Dienstag
, (Montag, 03.Mai 2021)
10:35 - 11:10
Mo 1.1
Self-Healing Tests / Der heilige Gral der Testautomation ... oder doch nur viel Lärm um Nichts?
Self-Healing Tests / Der heilige Gral der Testautomation ... oder doch nur viel Lärm um Nichts?

Self-Healing Tests ist ein Ansatz, bei dem maschinelles Lernen bei der Wartung von automatisierten Tests hilft.

Self-Healing, die Automation der Testautomation, erkennt Änderungen im 'System under Test' und passt die Testdurchführung automatisch an, damit die Tests funktionsfähig bleiben. Kommerzielle Tools, wie TestIM und Tricentis Neo Engine, sind vielversprechend und rechtzeitig auf den Zug aufgesprungen. Es gibt aber auch vielversprechende Open-Source Alternativen, wie Healenium.

Dieser Vortrag erklärt die Pro & Cons von Self-Healing Tests und zeigt anhand eines konkreten Beispiels, die Umsetzung mit der Open-Source Bibliothek Healenium.

Zielpublikum: Tester, Test Automation Engineers, Test Manager, Developer, DevOps Engineers
Vorraussetzungen: keine
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Advanced

Extended Abstract:
Eine der wichtigsten und aufwändigsten Tätigkeiten in der Testautomation, ist die Wartung von Testscripts. Keine anderen Testartefakte beanspruchen so viel wertvolle Zeit und Mühe in der Pflege, wie die zu Code gewordenen Testfälle.

Nun stellt sich die Frage ob es einen Ansatz gibt, in dem sich künstliche Intelligenz gepaart mit Machine Learning, um die Wartung der Testscripts kümmern kann. Die Entwickler der Testscripts hätten so mehr Zeit, sich um die Automation neuer Tests zu kümmern und damit die Testabdeckung durch Testautomation zu erhöhen. Die Antwort auf die Frage lautet: 'Ja, es gibt eine Lösung: Self-Healing Tests'.

Auf den Punkt gebracht ist Self-Healing die Automation der Testautomation. Testwerkzeuge mit Self-Healing Eigenschaften, erkennen Änderungen in der grafischen Benutzeroberfläche und passen die automatisierten Testfälle automatisch an, damit die Tests funktionsfähig bleiben. Kommerzielle Tools wie TestIM , Mabl  & Tricentis Neo-Engine  sind vielversprechend und rechtzeitig auf den Zug aufgesprungen. Es gibt aber auch vielversprechende Open-Source Alternativen wie Healenium.

Der Vortrag erklärt die Grundlagen von Self-Healing Tests und zeigt anhand eines Beispiels die Umsetzung mit der Open-Source Bibliothek Healenium.

Matthias Zax arbeitet als Agile Engineering Coach bei Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI). Eigentlich gelernter Software Developer und '#developerByHeart, beschäftigt er sich seit 2018 mit dem Testen von Software mit Schwerpunkt Testautomation im DevOps Umfeld und organisiert die RBI Testautomation Community of Practice.

Matthias Zax
Matthias Zax
Track: Vortrag
Vortrag: Mo 1.1

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11:25 - 12:00
Mo 2.2
Tests that Spark Joy!
Tests that Spark Joy!

You're tasked to work on an existing test automation suite, and you note usual problems:

  • Slows down the development process
  • Test addition is an afterthought in the dev cycle
  • Doesn't point to the problem area in code on failure
  • Doesn't actually give you regression confidence
  • Rely on just one person to fix or run it (you!)
  • Tests get or 'are tagged to be' ignored

You need help. And the help you need is not creating a new framework, but rather learning to tidy it up so that instead of problems, your tests spark joy.

In this talk, we learn to implement rules/techniques to achieve test atomicity, efficient DOM structure naming for tests, tagging XHR calls, the folder structure for better readability and 'what tests to keep' rather than decide 'what tests to discard' to keep your suite clean, lean and mean. You'll learn that your tests, like mine, can spark joy.

Target Audience: Developers and test engineers who want to develop or improve their test automation code
Prerequisites: some background in software development processes and basic tools such as version control systems, IDEs, etc. as well as  an understanding of some automation technology, for example, selenium, RPA or cypress and how they work
Level: Advanced

Divya Rakhiani has more than 8 years of experience in Quality Assurance working in a startup like Beanworks, Service companies like Infosys and Thoughtworks, and Product companies like Dell EMC. She currently heads the Quality Engineering department at a startup called Beanworks that specializes in automating the tedious and paper-heavy accounting process. It's rated the 13th best startup in the Vancouver tech market. Divya sees herself today as a new immigrant to Canada and is building her career helping QA teams to use technologies like UI automation using cypress/selenium, visual testing and CI/CD for each code deployment.
She is passionate about preaching quality as a mindset in the software development cycle and not a stage. She was an active member of the Vodqa meetup group at Thoughtworks, India and has spoken at various meetups in Delhi, India about Testing in Micro-services, contract testing, test pyramid, service virtualization, and automation best practices. When not working, Divya likes to lift weights at the gym! #girlswhocodeandlift. Most of her weekends are spent --running at the beautiful Stanley Park, walking the dog or meal prepping and daydreaming about all the shoes she can buy ;)
Divya Rakhiani
Divya Rakhiani
Track: Vortrag
Vortrag: Mo 2.2

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, (Dienstag, 04.Mai 2021)
14:00 - 14:35
Di 1.5
Test Automation in the age of digital banking Darwinism
Test Automation in the age of digital banking Darwinism

Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) started in 2017 with “Group Digital Solutions” a journey in order not to oversleep the digitization of the banking industry.

Due to new approaches such as DevSecOps & Continuous Testing, the topic of software tests, whether manual or automated, had to be completely redesigned and implemented.

This talk gives insights into the test strategy & the fullstack test automation architecture that were used.

Target audience: testers, developers, architects, managers
Prerequisites: none
Level: Advanced

Extended Abstract:

So that Raiffeisen Bank International can keep up with digitization in the banking sector, the company relies on the use of native apps, microservices and REST APIs in the Amazon cloud when implementing its mobile banking strategy.

In order to support the DevOps mantra "Automate everything", a full stack test automation strategy was developed that is based on open source tools and takes all components of the system architecture into account.

The independent services of the microservice architecture make additional interfaces visible that are not available in a monolithic architecture. The advantage is that they can be deployed and tested independently of each other.

Testing these systems is much more complex than testing a conventional monolithic application and needs additional demands on test automation, with classic integration tests being even more important for the overall structure. 

These integration tests were usefully supplemented by consumer contract tests. But end-2-end tests should not be missing either, since an effective test strategy must take into account both the isolated testing of individual services and the verification of the overall system behavior.

Aligning test automation with the classic test pyramid is a very useful approach if the individual layers are seen as the basis for “what is being tested” and not as a measure of the number of tests. Because the old wisdom still counts: “Quality over quantity!”.

Rudolf Grötz has been in IT for 30 years and has been a passionate software tester since 2008. He works as an agile engineering coach for the topic & test automation at Raiffeisen Bank International in Vienna and lives the motto "Test automation is not an act, test automation is a habit!". In addition to various author activities, including for IX-Magazin, he organizes the Agile (Test) Automation Meetup in Vienna and the TestBustersNight Vienna 6 times a year.


Rudolf Grötz ist seit 30 Jahren in der IT unterwegs und seit 2008 passionierter Softwaretester. Er ist als Agile Engineering Coach für das Thema & Test Automation bei der Raiffeisen Bank International in Wien tätig und lebt den Leitspruch „Testautomation is not an act, Testautomation is a habit!“. Neben diverser Autorentätigkeiten, u.a. für das IX-Magazin, organisiert er in Wien das Agile (Test) Automation Meetup und 6x pro Jahr die TestBustersNight Vienna.

Mehr Inhalte dieses Speakers? Schaut doch mal bei sigs.de vorbei: https://www.sigs.de/autor/Rudolf.Gr%C3%B6tz

Rudolf Grötz
Rudolf Grötz
Track: Vortrag
Vortrag: Di 1.5

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